Governor Hogan lifted the Maryland ‘Stay at Home' order on Friday, May 15, 2020, and replaced it with a ‘Safer at Home’ advisory. As a result, we are aware the way our community moves is beginning to change. In order to keep our employees and customers as safe as possible, we at DEANhss understand we need to move, as well, adjusting our health and safety protocol.
Our Employees:
Saturday, May 16, 2020, we reopened our Lexington Park kitchen & bath design showroom and recalled our furloughed employees.
Effective June 1, 2020, all DEANhss employees will complete a daily health screening when reporting to work, including but not limited to a health and potential exposure questionnaire along with a temperature reading. Protocol limits and responses are based on WHO and CDC
Our Residential Install Customers:
The day before installation/our employee(s) are to arrive at your home, you will receive a phone call from a designated DEAN employee confirming no one in your home is sick with, exposed to, or experiencing symptoms of covid19. Additionally, our covid19 customer protocol will be reviewed. If the home health screening is passed, the appointment for DEAN to come to the home will be confirmed for the following day. If the health screening is not passed, the appointment for DEAN to come to the home will be rescheduled.
Please see attachment below for health screening and rescheduling protocol detail.
Please see blog post dated March 25, to review our ongoing covid19 health & safety protocol along with a detailed schedule of our ongoing covid19 cleaning protocol.
We are thankful for our amazing team of employees that has pulled together under the most trying of times. We are so proud of each team member's commitment to excellence in all aspects of their job, covid19 prevention, one another, and our customers.
To you, our customers, our friends and neighbors, thank you! Thank you for your support of DEAN, just one of your local, multi-generation, family run small businesses. We are humbled by your support and honored for your trust in us to care for you and your family to the best of our ability.
RESIDENTIAL CUSTOMER Covid19 Health Verification Form:
Date of Service: ____________________________________________
Service Technician (print): _emp. or contractor_____________________
Customer Name & Address: ___________________________________
1. Have you been confirmed positive for Covid19? yes/no
2. Have you been in close contact with anyone who has confirmed positive
for Covid19? yes/no
3. Have you been in close contact with any persons who have traveled and
are also exhibiting symptoms of Covid19? yes/no
4. Are you currently or recently experienced any acute respiratory illness
symptoms such as fever, cough, or shortness of breath? yes/no
5. Have you recently lost your ability to taste or smell? yes/no
6. Do you have a body temperature above 100.3 degrees? yes/no
Review DEAN company Covid19 protocol with customer:
1. Employee and customer to wear face covering
2. 6 ft. of social distancing at all times
3. Room to be worked in should be cleared of extraneous items
4. Only DEAN employees in the room where work is happening (bathrooms -no exceptions)
5. Employees will wipe surfaces before leaving customer home, we recommend homeowner
do, as well.
I certify everything above is true and agree to adhere to Dean Home Supply + Service Co. covid19 protocol: __print customer’s name
Employee name, date, time: __________________ ______________ ___________
Employee Procedures for Residential Install Customer:
· DEAN employee to call MORNING before to ask questions, sign & date ‘per phone call’
· If customer answers ‘NO’ to all questions, 1 -6, the next day’s appointment can be confirmed.
· If customer answers ‘YES’ to any question, the next day’s appointment must rescheduled.
Please see details below for rescheduling criteria:
Question 1 – doctor note required before rescheduling can occur
Question 2 – appt. can be rescheduled 2 wks post contact with confirmed covid person
Question 3 – appt. can be rescheduled 2 wks post contact with person who has traveled
and exhibiting covid19 symptoms
Question 4 – appt. can be rescheduled once customer has been symptom free for 24
hours without use of medication
Question 5 - appt. can be rescheduled once customer is able to smell and taste for 24
hours without use of medication
Question 6 - appt. can be rescheduled once customer’s temperature registers 100.3 or
below without use of medication
* Completed form placed in customer file.