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April Showers Bring May Flowers

Dean Home Supply

Thank you for making our very first VIRTUAL story time a resounding success!!! We had so much fun sharing our Saturday morning with you! Because this new way of meeting worked so well, we will continue to offer our monthly story and craft time virtually. Join us Saturday, May 9th, as we leave the showers behind and walk into their resulting beauty; beautiful, glorious flowers!

Please email us at by end of day, Wednesday, May 6th, with your child’s name(s) and your mailing address; he or she will receive a package addressed to him/her filled with everything needed to complete Saturday's craft.

Saturday, May 9th:

friend us on FB and/or INSTA, at 9am go to our page for the live feed

please have glue, crayons and children's scissors readily available

be sure to post pictures of your 'littles' and use #mayflowerswithdean on posts

When? Saturday, May 9th

Where? Your kitchen or living room 😊

How long? 9am – 11am (meeting together virtually, may mean we end sooner)

Theme? April Showers Bring May Flowers !!!!

We are grateful for you and look forward to our time together!



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